Deaf Men Dancing present 'Time', a triple bill of work, comprising “Hear! Hear!”, “TEN” and “The Progress Score”, as part of Greenwich Performs Festival at Laban Theatre, Greenwich, London on the 9th and 10th October 2020.
Hear! Hear!
Originally choreographed by Mark Smith. For 'Time', it was re-created and re-imagined by Joseph Fletcher. Lighting Design by Jonathan Samuels. Costume Design by Ryan Dawson Laight. Projection Design by Ryan Dawson Laight & Mark Smith. Music by Deaf Boy One. Dancers: Joshua Kyle-Cantrill, Aaron Rahn, Joe Porton & Joseph Fletcher.
Photographer: Jane Hobson

Directed & Choreographed by Mark Smith. Re-created by Joseph Fletcher. Music composed by Sean Chandler. Lighting design is by Jonathan Samuels. Costume and set design by Ryan Dawson Laight.
‘Mutt’ - Joshua Kyle-Cantrill & ‘Jeff’ - Aaron Rahn

The Progress Score
Choreographed by Mark Smith.
Music composed by Chris Bartholomew. Lighting design by Jonathan Samuels. Costume design by Mark Smith.
Dancers: Joshua Kyle-Cantrill, Aaron Rahn, Joe Porton & Joseph Fletcher.

“This was a magnificent evening of dance - presented as part of the annual cultural festival Greenwich Performs – which pulled off the difficult yet vital trick of using breathtakingly delicate artistry to make heavyweight political judgments. And it absolutely proved Leonardo da Vinci’s dictum that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Mile Hedley ”